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Check in

¿What does the Forensic Technology Day consist of? 

The FT-Day is the Germany’s most important professional conference for IT-Forensics. An event that meets experts, investigators, law enforcement officers and government agencies all over the world to discuss the newest trends, developments and challenges of the IT-forensics industry. It is a two-day event that features leading forensics technology vendors where attendees can preview the latest in digital forensics, best practices and the opportunity to speak to the vendors during the event.  

The programme of the 2022, was focused on investigations in the field, mobile forensic, big data forensic, password and data recovery and photo/video forensic. In order to have a controlled event, they used the accreditation and check-in service. 

Badges and check-in

To access to each session of the event and the general entrance, an accreditation with a personal QR code was made for each attendee. The accreditations were send to every attendee, but the QR code was only generated for the attendees with a certain category. Also, in the badge appeared the language of each attendee (DE or EN). 

The event had more than 30 access points where the lecture of the QR code was needed through the EVSuite app.   

Check-in Eventsuite app

The event in numbers:  

+ 250 attendees 

+ 30 access points

+ 750 registered accesses

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