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Privacy policy

Last update: March 22, 2024

Table of contents:

Data protection

Eventool wants to offer a reliable and safe navigation to all users. That is why we have created the following Privacy Policy (Policy, hereinafter), following the guidelines indicated in the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR, hereinafter), through which we intend to regulate all matters relating to the treatment of data of the different users that visit and use the services that Eventool offers. In this Policy we want to notify about how Eventool collects, uses and shares the private information of the users that make use of our services, including the brand applications that are carried out and that are managed and commercialized by our clients. This privacy policy can be summarized as follows:

  • We direct this policy to all users: potential customers, customers or end users of the services we offer, applications for events and webs for events.
  • We may collect information about you as explained in this Policy, but it is the end user who chooses how much information he wants to communicate or share. In several sections of our website and third-party applications we can request personal information. In all these sections the user gives his express consent on these data.
  • The purpose of this data collection is to be able to offer a professional service and to be in contact with you, send you general information and promotions. You can unsubscribe from our notifications at any time.
  • Eventool does not make commercial use of the information of our users, but we may share it with the collaborators or suppliers who participate in the activity on a daily basis in order to offer a high quality service. Likewise, if Eventool needs the services of a third party, it will be obliged to protect your information./li>
  • We do not knowingly collect information from persons under 18 years of age.
  • We store your information based on legal guarantees that allow the user to exercise rights and actions related to the processing of data. Whereupon, at any time and / or when it deems appropriate, the user can make use of his rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation, Opposition, Suppression or "Right to oblivion", Limitation and Portability.
  • We protect your information, and in order to do so we use different methods: encrypted connection, digital documents stored in an encrypted form, personal data stored in the General Data Protection Registry, among others.

To whom is this Policy addressed?

To all users, whether potential customers, customers or end users of the services we offer.

  • Potential customers: all users who are interested in our services.
  • Clients: all users who buy our services.
  • End users: all users who use the services (applications and websites) previously bought by our customers.

If you are an end user, our client may request information (including personal) to be used and shared in accordance with the privacy policies of said client. Therefore, we are not responsible for the use made by any of our customers of your information.

We woulk like to point out that by accessing and interacting with our services, you accept this Policy.

What information do we collect?

We may collect information from you and about your activity when you agree to use our services. Whether you make an inquiry through our form, write us an email, create an account (free demo) or sign up for our newsletter, you must provide us with personal information about yourself, such as name or email address. In addition, when using our services, you may voluntarily complete your profile, upload an image to your profile or register on the applications/webs to be able to interact with other users during the course of the event. In this case, when you access the registration of an app/web created through Eventool you also accept the privacy policy explicitly, allowing your data to be hosted on the platform. The client who owns the license of use of the app will have access to this data, and it cannot be used for any commercial purpose by Eventool.

The types of information we may collect include:

  • Personal information: which is information that identifies you, such as name, email address, mailing address and phone number.
  • Image information: Our apps collect personal information, such as your profile picture, so that you can interact with other users during the course of the event. The user chooses the image they want to share and has access to delete or change it. This image is stored securely on our servers. Your image is treated with the utmost confidentiality and is stored exclusively for the specified purposes. We do not share your image with third parties.
  • Demographic information: such as country, organization, position, etc. In order to help you connect with other participants.
  • Preference information: such as the ability to choose whether to display your profile in the attendee listing to personalize your experience on the site, or to request removal of your profile if you wish.
  • Content submissions: such as any information you submit through registration forms, file uploads or online chats as an event participant.
  • Anonymous information: such as pages visited and time spent on sites, in order to understand behavior.

While using Our Application, in order to provide features of Our Application, We may collect, with Your prior permission: information from your Device's phone book (contacts list) and pictures and other information from your Device's camera and photo library.

On the other hand, we also collect information about your activity when you use our services. This includes website cookies and the tracking we do of the use of the applications (how you interact with the services, location or device).

If you are an end user, we may receive information about you from our client. We can also work with collaborators (third parties) who collect information about you in order to be able to provide the best possible service.

Explicit consent to the use of your data

We want to comply with what is required in terms of Privacy Policies. That is why, each time a user submits his personal data using forms or other options discussed above, he must give his explicit consent by clicking on the box that appears at the bottom of each form or similar where data is collected. With this action, the user is stating voluntarily and unequivocally that he agrees that Eventool processes his data according to the purposes expressed in the previous section.

Why do we collect this data?

The ultimate goal of collecting this data from the aforementioned sections is to maintain a direct and personalized contact with users and/or customers who have contacted us and/or requested our services.

It is also essential to obtain this data to report on general aspects, keep in touch on the status of projects or sending promotions. If users are not interested in the e-mails they receive, they can unsubscribe in a timely manner.

Do we share data with third parties?

In order to provide a correct service, we may share data with third parties. For example, we can share information with our collaborators or suppliers who provide payment services, accommodation, customer service, email marketing, among others.

If you are an end user, we will share your information with the customer linked to your account (event) in order to inform about all the functionalities (for example, sending push notifications to your device from our platform). However, we have no control over how our client uses and shares your information, so we recommend you to check the Privacy Policy of that client. Through applications or websites it may also be that your personal information is shared with other attendees who are also final users of the services.

We may also share information to comply with the law or to protect ourselves, such as if we are required to respond to a court order, subpoena or respond to a governmental request and / or investigative agency.

Additional information to be taken into account: Adults over 18

The services we offer on our website are aimed at people over 18 years of age. Therefore, any user who communicates his personal data, states to be of age.

How do we store your information?

It may be necessary to collect and store your personal information. We keep this information as long as necessary to be able to provide the functionality of the services. The data file used by Eventool is registered at the Spanish Agency for Data Protection with the code 2062930696.

However, if you want to access your information or you want us to delete it, you can contact us by email at

In addition, the Organic Law on Data Protection, has implemented a series of legal guarantees that allow the user to exercise rights and actions related to the processing of data. Eventool offers such legal guarantee, whereby, at any time and / or when deemed convenient, the user may make use of their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, suppression or right to oblivion, limitation, and portability, directing a letter or email to the following address or email address:

  • Infobox Solutions S.L.U
  • CIF: B01396316
  • Plaza del Renacimiento, 9, ofic. 7 01004 - Vitoria (Alava) España
  • +34 945292281

In all cases, it will be necessary to attach a copy of the passport or identy card (holder of the data) and indicate in the subject, expressly, the request that you want to make: access, rectification , cancellation, opposition, deletion or right to oblivion, limitation, and / or portability.

It is important that you know that we use third-party services and do not control your practices related to the storage and retention of information.

How do we protect your data?

We use different methods to protect your information: encrypted connection, digital documents stored in encrypted form, personal data stored in the General Data Protection Registry, among others. However, both the internet and applications are not a 100% secure environment.

Links to other third party sites

It is possible that both on our website and in the brand applications we make for our clients, there are links to third-party websites that we do not control. This Policy does not apply to these third-party sites, so we recommend that you read the Privacy Policy of these pages. We are not responsible for the practices of third parties.

Do you have questions?

You can contact us through

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